Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Alert for any Job that Fails

This may be a silly question, but I am having trouble setting up an alert to
email an operator about any job that may fail for any reason. Is there an
easy way to set this up?
Take a look at this:
DeeJay Puar
"Cooper" wrote:

> This may be a silly question, but I am having trouble setting up an alert
> email an operator about any job that may fail for any reason. Is there an
> easy way to set this up?
> Thanks|||Oh Ok.
I don't think there is a easy way to do that. I am using Reporting Services
as well and there is nothing in reporting services either.
However, at the risk of your jobs failing, you could query the 'sysjobs'
table in the msdb database and update the notifications (notify_*_* columns)
This should do the trick.
I have not tested this yet...lack of time, but give it a shot and post your
DeeJay Puar
"Cooper" wrote:
> I'm sorry I should have stated a bit more than I did. I can make alerts ju
> fine. I just can't figure out how to specifically set one up to catch any
> that fails for any reason. I have many other alerts that are working and
> emailing me just fine. This particualr one I want to email me if any job
> fails for any reason. I know this can be done inside the job itself. But w
> reporting services subscriptions are made that make jobs and I do not want
> check through all of them to set up the alert. Instead I want to make an
> alert that will email when any job fails for any reason without me having
> denote in the job itself to email me upon failure.
> "DeeJay Puar" wrote:

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