Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Aliases & Columns Name w/ Spaces

Formatting question. The query below is failing on the columns with spaces in the name. I've tried brackets and single quotes with no luck. How should this be formatted?


SELECT x.trkuniq, s.mstuniq, t.meetuniq,
c.coursec AS Course_Code,
c.descript AS Course_Name,
[q.cactus #] AS Cactus_#
s.sectionn AS Section,
RTRIM(f.lastname) + ', ' + RTRIM(f.firstname) AS Teacher, f.funiq,
t.termc AS Term_Code, zd.cycldayc AS Day,
zp.periodc AS Period, zp.periodn,
p.schoolc AS School
mstsched s ON t.mstuniq = s.mstuniq INNER JOIN
trkcrs x ON s.trkcrsuniq = x.trkcrsuniq INNER JOIN
course c ON x.crsuniq = c.crsuniq INNER JOIN
track p ON p.trkuniq = x.trkuniq INNER JOIN
facdemo f ON s.funiq = f.funiq INNER JOIN
courses q ON c.coursec = [q.course number] INNER JOIN
trkper zp ON t.periodn = zp.periodn AND
x.trkuniq = zp.trkuniq INNER JOIN
trkcycle zd ON t.cycldayn = zd.cycldayn AND
x.trkuniq = zd.trkuniq


Try changing your reference from [q.cactus #] to q.[cactus #]



The brackets are use to encapsulate a name of a table, schema, etc, not the entire messed up name :)

You can even include dots in the name:

create table [dbo].[bad.idea]
[bad.idea.id] int

select *
from [bad.idea]

And yes, very very bad idea.

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